Wednesday's Special Broadcast with a Q&A Session

Join Pastor Charles Achonwa for Wednesday's Special Broadcast with a Q&A Session

Are you seeking a midweek spiritual uplift, fresh insights, and an opportunity to have your questions answered? Look no further! We invite you to join Pastor Charles Achonwa every Wednesday for our 'Wednesday Special Broadcast,' which now includes an interactive Q&A session. This unique weekly gathering is designed to provide you with a spiritual boost, in-depth discussions, and the chance to seek answers to your burning questions.

About Wednesday's Special Broadcast with Q&A

Pastor Charles Achonwa's 'Wednesday Special Broadcast' has been enhanced to provide you with even more value. In addition to his inspirational teachings and reflection, this session now includes a dedicated Q&A segment where you can ask questions, seek guidance, and participate in meaningful discussions.

What to Expect

1. In-Depth Bible Study: Pastor Charles Achonwa will lead you through in-depth Bible study and discussions on relevant topics.

2. Prayer and Reflection: Connect with God through prayer and personal reflection.

3. Q&A Session: Get answers to your questions, engage in discussions, and seek spiritual guidance.

4. Community and Support: Our online community is a place of warmth and encouragement, and it's a space where you can connect with like-minded individuals.

When and How to Join

- Date: Every Wednesday
- Time: 7:00 AM (UTC+1)

To be a part of this enhanced midweek experience, set your alarm for 7:00 AM (Nigerian Time) every Wednesday. Then, visit either Pastor Charles Achonwa's Facebook page or his YouTube channel to tune in and actively participate in the Q&A session.

Stay Connected

To stay informed about the latest teachings, events, and updates, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media. We want to ensure you never miss an opportunity to grow in your faith and find inspiration midweek.

We are excited to have you join us for Pastor Charles Achonwa's 'Wednesday Special Broadcast with Q&A.' Let it be a source of strength, insight, and answers to your spiritual questions in the middle of your week, helping you navigate life's challenges with grace and wisdom.

Join us this Wednesday at 7:00 AM (Nigerian Time) and actively participate in our Q&A session to find the spiritual nourishment you need!